Sunday, November 18, 2012

Permission Slips

Shaheed Neves 
Malik Machel 
Diogo De Sacadura Botte 
Joao De Sacadura Botte 
Cassia Correia 
Larissa Correia 
Sofiah Neves 
Madalena De Sacadura Botte 
India Calisto 
Adriana Nunes 
Ali Khan Fateally 

The two that have not given the permissions slips back are the two youngest. I have contacted the parents to know whether they have not given it back because they do not want their son/daughter to model or whether it is just being handed in late. Both have agreed to allow their child to model. Adriana’s brother will be giving me the permission slip soon and I will be collecting Ali Khan’s permission slip on Tuesday when I meet up with my uncle, his father. 

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