Monday, July 16, 2012

Photography Course

I have been part of a one-week photography course that took place in a school of arts in Lisbon called Arco. It was a 5-day course where we learned all the basics on how to function with the camera and how to take better pictures. We also did learn a little about the lab side of photography, how to reveal pictures and etc. The course was helpful in my opinion because is showed me that photography is not just snapping pictures, there is a lot more to it then just that. All though it was helpful I found it a little challenging because I did not have one of those professional cameras which they were talking about so at certain points I was lost but I managed to over come those. 


From my understanding criteria is the way we are going to “grade” our final product. The way we are going to get to know whether we did a good or bad job with our target audience. The way I am going to do this is by creating a survey and showing the catalogue to people and then asking them to fill in the survey which will be based on what they think of the booklet and from there I will be able to see whether my job was successful. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Area Of Interection

The area of interaction that I have selected is Approaches to Learning. This AOI is the one that best suits the objective of my project. “Approaches to Learning,” is when you gather information to learn about something and that is exactly what I am doing. My focus is the actual catalogue and not the impact it has on the sales at the store.

Why I decided to take the responsibility of each of the jobs mentioned above?

Since I remember the world of fashion has always been something that I have been attracted to. And in my opinion the world of fashion does not only include clothing it does too include accessories, make up, hair styling and etc. When I first got to know that I had to think of a project for my Personal Project I instantly knew that it somehow had to be related with fashion and photography; because photography was something that I consider interesting and something that I wanted to learn more about. I decided to do this because it allows me to live many of the jobs in the fashion industry. Such as; I learn about the business side through my dad and uncle and through advertising my family store as I also learn how it is to hold a photo shoot and be a fashion photographer, and how to correctly choose the clothes, make up and hair styles.

I am aware that this is a lot to do but I also know that I am capable of doing so therefore I am excited to start!

What has to be done to obtain the final product?

-      Find a store to advertise
-    Create a document making it official that they will provide me with the clothing I need to successfully advertise their store.
-      Photography
-      Be part of a course that will teach me more about photography since all I know is the basics.
-      Think about purchasing a professional camera and which camera
-     Find a mentor that might be able to help me how to figure out more about photography (have some people in mind already)
-      Make up
-      Purchase everything that I will need
-      Figure out what I will be doing on each model
-      Maybe get helpers that are willing to help me on the day of the shoot (undecided yet)
-      Hair
-      Find hairstyles that will suite each model
-      Get materials needed (clips, hair ties etc.)
-      Learn how to do each style
-      Possible get helpers (undecided yet)
-      Clothing
-      Get clothing from sponsor
-      Get accessories if necessary
-      Create outfits
-      Check is the outfits fit the appointed models
-      Models
-      Brainstorm about who I would like to model for the catalogue
-      Communicate and talk to each person and their guardians to ask for permission
-      Create a document that each parent has to sign giving me permission to use their child for my project and allowing me to use their pictures in something that might be released publically.
-      Catalogue
-      Look at other catalogues
-      Analyze the catalogues
-      Design layouts for my catalogue
-      Decide upon one
-      Create the catalogue with all the pictures

Project Objective & Description

The main objective of this project is to do what I enjoy and share it with the other people. The final product of my project will be a fashion catalogue. Most catalogues are used to advertise specific brands and their season’s collection but I will be using it to advertise “Fatelli & Fatelli Junior.” Although before creating the final product there are still a lot of other things that will have to be done. In order to obtain the final product I will have to follow the to-do list that I have created.