Sunday, October 28, 2012

Store Layout


Outfits 11, 12 & 13

As I have explained in the outfits for girls, the more formal ones this is the same just for boys. I have three different outfits that a child could wear with their parents. I have a pair of white shots with a blue squared shirt, a pair of beige pants with a long sleeve peach colored polo shirt and lastly just plain jeans with a jacket.

Outfits 7, 8, 9 & 10

Along the side there are four different outfits. As we can see two are for boys and two are for girls. The reason why I paired these four outfits together in one collage is because this is baby clothes. Being clothes that my youngest models will be wearing. There are two beach themed outfits, the two top ones. As I have decided for my entire catalogue I will be having two themes, beach clothing and going out clothing (slight formal). The top two are for the beach. I have decided upon swimming shorts with a simple t-shirt for the boy while the girl will be wearing a white mini-skirt with a blue top.  The two bottoms one are as explained on the collage for “outfits 1, 2 & 3” it is something that they can wear to something a little more formal. For the boy I have jean shorts with a white polo shirt and for the girl I have a light blue shirt like dress.

Outfits 4, 5 & 6

As we can see along the side the outfits are a little more beach themed.  These three outfits are also for girls, you have a jeans jump-suite, a peach colored bathing suite and a green and pink paired dress along with pink and white flip-flops. I decided to create a subsection that is more summer based because of the place where we live. Living n Mozambique we all face this hot weather and going to the beach or the pool is something that many people in our society do because of the weather. I thought it would be a good idea because it is something the people look for and it shows people that GANT Junior has everything that they need.

Outfits 1, 2 & 3

Although there are four pictures these are only three outfits composed by four different pairs of clothes. I have a pair of jeans going with a bluish and white top, then using that same top I paired it with white shots. I then selected a different light blue and white top to go only with the shorts. These three outfits are for girls. I decided to reuse some of the pairs of clothing to show people that you can wear it many ways and to show that it can look good in many ways. The above outfits go under a category such as “weekends” or something that will resemble what a child could wear when going out with his or her parents. I decided that it would go under that category because in my opinion it is a little too formal for a child to wear to school so it would be perfect for them to wear on a weekend to something slightly a little more formal.