Sunday, August 5, 2012

Experimenting With The Camera

Summer ‘12

Before taking pictures for my personal project I decided to use the camera and find out how it works and how to apply all the techniques I learnt about in the photography course. These are a few of the hundreds of pictures that I took. I think that I am getting the hang of the camera and experimenting with it before I need it for the project is good because by then I will already know what to do and what not to do. 

New Camera!

Canon EOS 1100D

After attending the summer course and learning a little more about photography my mother and I decided that buying a new camera would be a good choice. I could use it for the photo-shoot, which is part of my personal project as I could use it for fun since photography interests me. We bought this camera (Canon EOS 1100D) in Portugal. I have already learnt how to use and function with it.

Evidence that I participated in the Photography Course..

Certifica-se para os devidos efeitos que, Mishal Juma Fateally frequentou neste Centro de Arte de 2 a 6 de Julho 2012, o curso de Verao "Fotografia Analogica e Digital."
Por ser verdade se passa o presente Certificado que vai ser assinado com carimbo deste Centro.

Here by we certify that, Mishal Juma Fateally attended in this Art Center from 2 to 6 of July 2012, the summer course “Fotografia Analogica e Digital.”
Therefore we pass this certificate that has been signed and stamped by the Center.